Pre Algebra Worksheets

Pre Algebra worksheets happen to be a part of the core math curricula meant for Acces – the pre-Algebra module along with Algebra I and Algebra II or trigonometry make up the Acces curricula. The pre Algebra worksheets cover topics that students are trained in to before they are introduced to junior or senior high school Algebra curriculum. You can sharpen your child’s basic math skills as well as his/her command over geometry and simple equation solving with the help of these worksheets.

With some 164 topics included in the worksheets as part of the pre Algebra module, there will be enough problems for daily instructions and assessment. The pre Algebra worksheets will not let your kid sit idle at home for he will have lots to do with daily homework assignments, review worksheets, and multiple versions of quizzes and tests. These worksheets include even those problems that you will not come across in the textbooks as they come up with supplementary materials like probability and statistics.

Pre Algebra worksheets or modules have more than 15,000 problems and all of them are free response. Some important topics being covered in pre Algebra modules are

  • Expressions and formulas
  • Fractions and mixed numbers
  • Statistics and probability
  • Real number system
  • Geometry and measurement
  • Exponents and radicals
  • Data interpretation
  • Graphing
  • Variables
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Decimals
  • Rounding and estimation
  • Perimeter, area and volume
  • Equations and inequalities
  • Fractions, decimals and percents

Pre Algebra worksheets are apt for students who are in need of help with basic skills, have enrolled late in the class, have been absent in the class for a long period or are in need of complete personal attention.

You may have heard about PreAlgebra ActivityMaker. This website produces worksheets for more than 2-dozen pre Algebra topics which include working with equations, simplifying functions, graphing lines, graphing points, statistics, function tables, slopes and intercepts, reading graphed points and many more topics. This website provides your kid the opportunity to deal with unlimited resource just at the tip of your finger.

With such varied and repeat practice options contained in pre Algebra worksheets, your child will have his math basics absolutely right and will be thoroughly prepared to take the challenges of Algebra.