What do you know about Earth Day history? Do you know how it came about and who is the founder of this special day? And if these questions remain unanswered then you should make an effort to know the past.
If we take a walk down memory lane we will find that the concept of the Earth Day originated for over a period of seven years since 1962. The founder of Earth day is Senator Gaylord Nelson.
History tells us that the deteriorating conditions of the environment was disconcerting to Gaylord Nelson who thought bringing the issue in the political scene would resolve it to some extent. He had first approached Attorney General Robert Kennedy and eventually the President. Though his efforts did not materialize it can well be said that it had inflicted the brainchild, which later developed into what we call the Earth day.
Gaylord Nelson seemed ever more determined to bring the environmental issue on the nation’s political agenda. However, the real breakthrough in the awakening of the Earth Day came by way of a conference in Seattle in September 1969 where Nelson invited key people to play a part in a nationwide working class demonstration on behalf of the environment.
The demonstration was scheduled in the spring of 1970 and the feedback of the people was incredible. So much so that The New York Times came up with an exclusive article which spoke of the shocking propagation of environmental events. Be it the common man, the students, the local communities, the working class or the U.S. Senate office staff of Gaylord Nelson everyone chipped in to make the Earth Day a huge success. Again, Earth Day’s foremost organizer Denis Hayes’s contribution goes beyond words.
Earth day no doubt created a platform for all to collaborate their efforts in improving the environment. There were big transformations like new legislations at the state and local level, perhaps an augment in scout troops collecting bottles and cans, activists or volunteers planting trees, environmental campaigns and many more.
Each year around March 21, the United Nations celebrates the Earth Day. John McConnell is the not only the one who first introduced the concept of a global holiday known as Earth Day but also who designed the Earth flag. San Francisco. Mayor Joseph Alioto is accredited for putting up the first Earth Day proclamation on March 21, 1970.
Today Earth day celebration is such an activity that imparts much needed life to the environment. We owe to all those people who have been a part of Earth day history and have introduced to us the Earth Day.